http://localhost:4800/api/notes/update?pass=xxxxx Init download all the notes data API /api/update?pass=xxxxx Update the local data. eg: resume.pdf, etc. /api/resume Returns the resume pdf file /api/resume/png Returns the resume png file /api/ping Endpoint to keep the server up and running /api/logs?pass=xxxxx Get Server Logs /api/notes/update?pass=xxxxx Updates the local markdown notes and media /api/notes/info Returns the Notes Rootinfo /api/notes/:slug Get the markdown file from the slug in rootinfo /api/notes/media/:file Get the media file for the markdown POST /api/user/register [username, password, email] Register a new User in the DB /api/chat Websocket endpoint for tchat /api/chat/logs?pass=xxxxx /api/chat/debug?pass=xxxxx Chat log history and debug logs /api/misc/stream Stream Video Files from Bucket (WIP 👷‍♂️) /api/misc/greet Get a greeting message /api/filetransfer Websocket endpoint for file transfers GET /api/journal/log [username, password] Returns the user logs POST /api/journal/log [username, pass, log-content] Posts a new log entry GET /api/ws/echo Dummy Websocket endpoint. More at: